Deicing & Ice Management

At BG Home Services Snow Removal, we offer full service deicing and ice management. Whether you need a parking log, walkway, or any other portion of your property to be free of ice during the storm or after, we can help.

Some of the common deicing and ice management services we offer:

  • Pre-treatment: we can treat parking lots of walkways with solutions designed to help prevent or retard the forming of ice BEFORE a storm.

  • Salting: we can supply salting services before a storm, during a storm, or after a storm or any icy conditions. We can do this through truck salt spreaders, hand spreaders, push spreaders, and more.

  • Calcium chloride: we also offer spreading of calcium chloride in areas where you want to reduce any damage to concrete or other surfaces, that can be caused by deicing agents.

We offer full service deicing and ice management. To get a better understanding of BG Home Services Snow Removal can do for your, or if you have any questions, get in touch with us today.